Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hero training

wesley's 4th birthday party was all about superheroes.  we asked all the kids to come in costume and it was AWESOME!
a short timeline:
on arrival, every kid got a bag with markers and mask making supplies and were directed to the mask making table.  after masks were made everyone was herded outside for the superhero obstacle course.  each kid put on clark kent clothes (blazer and glasses).  they had to run into the phonebooth, change into a superhero and run out.  next was the tunnel, then the trampoline, then they had to throw bean bags at the joker to retrieve the kryptonite, then down the slide for a sweet finish.
after the obstacle course each kid was awarded a certificate of hero status and a superman ring.
then came cupcakes and presents, and THEN came the balloon girl!  the balloon girl was arguably the most popular event of the day for kids and parents.  kylie rocked the party, thanks balloon girl!
some photos of the chaos (thank you chelsea for the photos, for the birthday banner, the weights, and for being awesome in general!):

and a few more of my newly minted 4 year old (who has asked repeatedly in the succeeding days if he is still 4):

and what we did after the party: legos!!


  1. what a rockin' party!! way to go on all the cute decorations and fun games! i wish we were there to join in on the fun!

  2. Oh my gosh, Brooke--you should so do this for a living! What an awesome party!!! I will so be referring to you for b-day ideas when our little William gets here!! PS--both the kids & YOU looked adorable in all of the pics!

    PS--Loved your "I dream you" -- I started to tear up as I read it. Love you! *Cat

  3. Love it! I can't believe it's taken me so long to look at your blog again. Sorry! I'm totally lame!

    Did you gasp at the thousands of pictures to sort through? ha!

    That was such a cute party. I can't believe you were able to entertain that many lil chilluns for over an hour with minimal tears. YOU'RE the SuperHero!
